Saturday, May 21, 2011


Lately, I have been spending time with Tooya and traveling around Japan. We went down to Shinjuku to go shopping for some clothing. I ended up wandering over to Moi meme Moitie and they were in shock when they saw me out of MmM. The girls there remembered me [since I was there not too long before], and they asked "Doshite? [Why is this?]"
I then explained to them what had happened and they offered me a small discount off for three dresses, which was the sweetest thing ever. At the time, I only owned two MmM items, but now I own ten once again.
I bought Holy stain glass OP, some other MmM JSK and then went to Ikuburo Closet child to find Iron Gate waiting there for me. I also got a new pair of MmM shoes.
I lost almost 11 years worth of Moitie, but I feel that this is a new beginning.

Tooya also took me out to the Decodance bar to see DJ Sisen. I haven't seen him in So long! I ended up wearing Iron Gate with a cross necklace, MmM bat bag, black tights and MmM platform heels.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

まが, よこそ 日本.

I arrived early in the morning in Japan today.. it is the 19th in Japan but 18th in America. 
Thankyou everyone, I am alright. Tooya picked me up at the airport [Narita]. We went back to her house which is now in Nagoya, surprisingly.  Tooya surprised me and my son with a small box full of Moitie that she had collected since the 17th... 

ありがとう とおや. あい してる..  

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Leaving Tomorrow

さよなら, あめりか. 

Sorry for making you all worry yesterday because I did not post... Tomorrow I will be leaving for Japan. I was busy shopping yesterday for a new suitcase and some clothing to wear. Like I said, all of our clothing was taken [our Moitie]. 
Ill be happy to get out of the country and just take a break for a while...

Ahhh.. Tomorrow ill post when I arrive in Japan.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

みいな ありがとう ...

Everyone thank you very much for the calls, texts, emails, etc. Me and Kengo are fine. Last night at the internet cafe I got to talk to my girlfriend and we purchased tickets for me to come back to Japan for a little. I will be staying at her house for 2~3 weeks or so. The hotel last night was really nice too. I will still be blogging everyday and I will be keeping in touch. 
I hope you are all fine.



Tout le monde je vous remercie beaucoup pour les appels, SMS, emails, etc Moi et Kengo sont fines. Hier soir, au café internet, je dois parler à ma petite amie et nous avons acheté des billets pour moi de revenir au Japon pour un peu. Je vais rester chez elle pendant 2 à 3 semaines. L'hôtel la nuit dernière a été vraiment sympa aussi. Je vais encore être blogging tous les jours et je serai de rester en contact.

J'espère que vous allez tous bien.

Jeder danke Ihnen sehr für die Anrufe, Texte, Emails, etc. Ich und Kengo gut. Letzte Nacht im Internetcafé lernte ich zu meiner Freundin reden und wir gekaufte Tickets für mich zu kommen zurück nach Japan für ein wenig. Ich werde bei ihr Haus für 2 bis 3 Wochen oder so wohnen. Das Hotel letzte Nacht war wirklich nett. Ich werde noch ein Blog, und ich werde jeden Tag in Kontakt sein zu halten.

Ich hoffe, Sie sind alle in Ordnung.

Todos muito obrigado pelos convites, textos, emails, etc Eu e Kengo estão bem. Ontem à noite, na Sala de internet eu tenho que falar com minha namorada e nós compramos os bilhetes para mim voltar ao Japão para um pouco. Vou ficar na casa dela por 2 ~ 3 semanas ou assim. O hotel na noite passada foi muito bom também. Eu ainda vou estar blogando todos os dias e eu vou estar mantendo contato.

Espero que estejam todos bem.





Saturday, May 14, 2011


Today has not been a good day. Usually I just mainly post all about Mana and Moitie but today something happened.
Today was my son's brithday, and I took him out to Mirai. We shopped then I took him out for takuyaki.

When we returned home, our house had been broken into and trashed. Our television had been stolen, our Moid ix mois cds were thrown around on the floor, some of the discs were crushed. all of our furniture was stolen, including my wardrobe along with the CLOTHING in it. The only Moitie item that I still own is my bat bag...

My son's Moitie was stolen too... my mana posters were torn up, and my lace from my moitie pillows were torn off. 

the police came and said they will try to find them. i just don't know.
i;m sitting at an internetc afe down town ann arbor writing this...

I am really depressed fro mthis. So much lost money.. but i am glad we are okay. that is what i care about. tonight we will stay in a hotel.

i hope you are all fine. goodnight.

Maga de Mana.  

Friday, May 13, 2011

† G.I ver3 - Monologue Garden

No translation this time. すみません ね! 

[Mana様の郷愁なるGame inferno ver3]ゲームラボの発売日だ!






Tomorrow is my son's birthday!

Happy almost birthday! 

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

躪 躪... 今日のイベント

Today was quite a fun day! I woke up in the morning to get into my Holy stained glass jumperskirt, black Moitie heels, white Moitie socks and a few Snoopy on my head. I decided on not wearinga blouse since it was 90 out!

I went down to Mirai to meet Bianca and talk about studying overseas. She is a 17 year old girl who also loves lolita and is learning Japanese. I am hired to be her tutor. And of course, Mirai has all the magazines you could ever need, good to study from too.

I notcied Bianca was wearing an Angelic Pretty JSK, she looked so cute!
I don't wear Holy Stain glass too much, so it was nice to wear it for once. 

After we talked, we headed over to my house and I made her a bento with rice, meat, veggies, etc.

It was fun today! 


I've begun buying a lot of Moitie again lately and I was requested to do a group order from a SS for Moitie. While browsing the site, I look around and saw this.

You can only order up to six of one item. I know that I have ordered up to twelve of one item on there before...

How are you all today? I went down to the mall today wearing my black and blue Divine Cross JSK  and I got many stares. I went into a music store and purchased a few Dir En Grey CDs. Did you know FYI actually carries Uboros and the DVD too? 

Maga de Mana

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Moitie Order

I am a bit late to order the newest prints, I ordered the newer dresses the day they came out , the same with the blouses. So today I decided on ordering the items I didn't. I took a look at my total and freaked a bit. I ordered a few of each item since I always do that...
Over 4,000 USD!!!! 
Augh... slow down Maga. 


Monday, May 9, 2011


This entry will be written in Japanese only, gomen ne!

我々は、その後、少しのおしゃべり、突然のD +宗派が店内のいたるところに爆発し始めた。通常はUVERworld、アリス九號など、二人ともレジに行って、彼らは遊んでいたので、彼らは任意のドイモイディックスモアを売却した質問のようなJロックだけJpopやソフトなので、私はもっとし、そこの再生ドイモイディックスモアを聞いてショックを受けたそれは。彼は、彼らが在庫数Dを+浄土真宗いた、これは私がショックを受けて超されたものですよ!彼らはさらにいくつかのMoitieの項目を実施!彼らは神のクロススカート、イバラOTKソックス、およびいくつかのkatsuyashasしていた。私はビックリ感じたと私はOTKの靴下を、頭の弓の2と、彼女は、1つを持っていなかったので、本当にそれを望んでいたKasseは、DCのスカートを引っかかる買ってしまった。神のクロスは本当に美しい印刷されるので、私は理解しています。

彼らは私達にモワミームMoitieの買い物袋を与えた。この後、我々は一つの世界市場に渡り、いくつかの点を得た。彼らは最高の料理が今まで、あまりにもパンを持っています。 Ooooiiiishhhiii。


I hope to meet up with you again soon, Kasse! 


Sunday, May 8, 2011


I suddenly got sick today... I had to switch from my Moitie pillow to a regular one. I don't want to ruin the lace!
I am going to rest now. Thank you for all the cards and calls asking if I'm okay. I am going to the doctors tomorrow.

Maga de Mana 

Saturday, May 7, 2011

† 魔導会議 - Monologue Garden

皆様、ご機嫌いかがだろうか?[How is everyone doing?]

私はというと、[I would say]
パワーを付ける為に [In order to gain power]
血の滴るステーキを食しながら[we shall eat lots of steak dripping with chi [*blood]
魔導書図像師Taquya氏と魔導会議をしてきた。[according to the rare magic book of Taquya]

手前に見える瓶ビールは、[Bottled in a visible background...]
チェコへ旅に行っていたTaquya氏のお土産チェコビールである。[Taquya had gone on a trip and brought Czech Republic beer back as a souvenir.]
深夜丑三つ時まで、魔導制作について論議が交わされたのであった。[Until witching hour tonight, the discussion of the creation of magic was held.]

ちなみに、「血の滴る」とは言っているが、それは表現イメージで、[By the way, the reference to "dripping with blood" is referred to the image. The meat had problems, so I say properly bake this... (*at first I thought it was referencing to sauce)]
ちゃんとジュウジュウ!と焼いてます。 (´。`)

次号魔導書お楽しみにしておいてほしいね。[I hope you keep looking forward to the next edition of magi...]
腐腐腐・・・[fu fu fu]
血の滴るようなレアな写真をお届けできるだろう。[If I could deliver such a rare picture of forming blood (I have no idea what this mean, referring to the  picture again?]


エーゴ [English] translation may be slightly off. すみません (@ @);;

He is talking about his steak, reference to the photo.  


Today I got a package in the mail from Tomo! 

Did you know I actually never had the rose cross knee high socks from Moitie in blue? I had the other two colors but not this. Tomo luckily found them hiding in the Moitie shop, which is strange since they are so old! They are some of my favorite Moitie socks. They do not have lace on them but they are still very nice. The print is actually embroidered in  to the socks, which I find pretty rare for Moitie. 
 Arigatou, Tomo-chan!

 She also sent me two other small and cute things!



Tomo sent me this small little bear bag. It is really cute, though I do not know what I will work it with. I could turn Moitie into sweet, like I do sometimes, ahaha. It has a shoulder strap, a very long one too! The bag is plush and soft. It actually can hold quite a bit too!

 The last thing Tomo sent me is this pen! I actually enjoy this character, he is quite cute and fun. I will use this pen. Thank you, Tomo! 

Maga de Mana  

Friday, May 6, 2011

FAQ part.5

I have been doing this FAQ series for five months now; each one is posted on the 6th. Here is part five with your questions!

Lately people have been asking me "Maga, why do you not have a FC2 blog?"
*FC2 is the site Mana uses to blog on.

I actually prefer blogger, and since having this account since 2000 I don't want to leave it!

I. Maga, how did you get into Mana? 

IA. How did I get into Mana... Back when I was in college in Japan, a friend of mine came up to me and had a flier for a band called "Girl'e". She knew I really liked Jrock,  I was a huge XJapan fan, so she suggested I go see them. She said she had seen them before and they were quite a good band. I took the flier then nodded and accepted it. A few days later, I dressed up in my full visual kei gear to go see their concert. I got there a bit late, so I was near the back. Though, when I heard their music and saw Mana, I just realized and felt something weird. From that, I saw a few more of his Girl'e concerts, then soon Malice Mizer then Moi dix Mois.

II.Maga, what is your favorite Moitie piece you own?  

IIA. My favorite Moitie piece I own is either my Moitie candles or the blue rose I got from Mana in 2008. Moitie candles are very rare and I love mine. 

III. Maga, you have a girlfriend, correct? What is her name?  

IIIA. Yes, I have a girlfriend and I love her very much. I have actually known her since college, so a very long time! I met her at Moi dix Mois concert in 2007. She isn't that big of a fan of Mana but her friends convinced her into going and we met there. Her name is Tooya. We are planning to get married sometime soon. 

IIII.Maga, do you usually wear Moitie everyday or do you wear 'normal' clothing?

IIIIA. It depends what I am doing. On the weekends Ill usually wear something more toned down, like a Holy Queen skirt with a cutsew and flats. If I am going out somewhere, I dress up fully in EGL or EGA. When I'm shopping, ill usually just wear my Moitie pants with Moitie platforms, cutsew, etc. Very causal.

V.Maga, have you really been to all of Moi dix Mois' concerts?

VA. Yes,  I have been to all of their concerts since the band was formed. I never miss an event or a concert. I went to all of their Europe 2007 tours too. that was actually a nice experience for me because I had never been to places like Finland. I also saw them at the Gothic Trekken too, yes. 

Today I am stopping at five questions. I hope you will all tune in for next month too!
If you have any questions, send them to

Thursday, May 5, 2011

†Christon Cafe† Cafe.5


Christon Cafe

2-10-7 Dogenzaka, Shibuya-ku

Open 5pm-5am

Christon Cafe Shinjuku
5-17-13 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku
Oriental Wave Bldg 8F

† Christon Cafe is one of my favorite places to visit when I visit Japan. Mana tends to go there a lot, for the events and on his own time. The Christon Cafe is a gothic lolita and vampire mixed theme place. Their food ranges from eyeball treats to vampire rolls. 

Christon Cafe is a very fun place to go. When ever I go, I attend wearing full Moitie and the cute waitresses have remembered who I am. They always smile and wave at me.

Angels line the outside railings and inside of the cafe. Crosses, large chandlers and  more "gothic like" features are applied around the cafe. 

†キリストンカフェカフェは、私が日本を訪問するとき訪問する私の好きな場所のひとつです。 Manaはイベントや自分自身の時間で、にも、いろいろな移動する傾向がある。キリストンカフェカフェは、ゴシックロリータ、吸血鬼混合テーマの場所です。からは、眼球その食品の範囲は、ロールを吸血鬼に扱います。キリストンカフェカフェに行くことは非常に楽しい場所です。私が行くときまで、私は完全なMoitie可愛いウェイトレスが私が誰だか覚えて着て参加しています。彼らはいつも笑顔で私と私の波。カフェの中の天使たちラインの外側の手すり。十字架、大規模なチャンドラーズと"ゴシックのように"の詳細は、機能はカフェの周りに適用されます。



Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

† Moi meme Moitie †

Don't you think the Moitie paper is a bit over the top? 
1677 points with over 500$ I spent on paper.....  


Monday, May 2, 2011

+ Happy Birthday+

Happy Birthday  Maga!
Thank you everyone for the cards and gifts! I received over fifty cards from everyone!

Plus my はは and チチ both sent me screenshots of gifts they got for me...

 From my mother. Sadly enough, I own everything she ordered for EXCEPT the plaid jsk! Arigatou, Okaasan! When I saw this, tears came into my eyes that she would go out of her way to order this much for me. 

Guess what my dad got for me!? That's right! Plane tickets to Tokyo. So in two weeks ill be leaving!!  
Then my girlfriend sent me something... 

She sent me a box set of Snoopy DVDs! I was so happy! They all have very special features too.


Sunday, May 1, 2011

Happy May!

Tomorrow is my birthday! My son has been preparing a gift for me, so sweet...
Me and my girlfriend 'spent the whole day' together since it is my birthday in Japan currently. She is the sweetest thing ever. 

躪 躪 躪....

Thank you everyone for early birthday messages!