Friday, May 6, 2011

FAQ part.5

I have been doing this FAQ series for five months now; each one is posted on the 6th. Here is part five with your questions!

Lately people have been asking me "Maga, why do you not have a FC2 blog?"
*FC2 is the site Mana uses to blog on.

I actually prefer blogger, and since having this account since 2000 I don't want to leave it!

I. Maga, how did you get into Mana? 

IA. How did I get into Mana... Back when I was in college in Japan, a friend of mine came up to me and had a flier for a band called "Girl'e". She knew I really liked Jrock,  I was a huge XJapan fan, so she suggested I go see them. She said she had seen them before and they were quite a good band. I took the flier then nodded and accepted it. A few days later, I dressed up in my full visual kei gear to go see their concert. I got there a bit late, so I was near the back. Though, when I heard their music and saw Mana, I just realized and felt something weird. From that, I saw a few more of his Girl'e concerts, then soon Malice Mizer then Moi dix Mois.

II.Maga, what is your favorite Moitie piece you own?  

IIA. My favorite Moitie piece I own is either my Moitie candles or the blue rose I got from Mana in 2008. Moitie candles are very rare and I love mine. 

III. Maga, you have a girlfriend, correct? What is her name?  

IIIA. Yes, I have a girlfriend and I love her very much. I have actually known her since college, so a very long time! I met her at Moi dix Mois concert in 2007. She isn't that big of a fan of Mana but her friends convinced her into going and we met there. Her name is Tooya. We are planning to get married sometime soon. 

IIII.Maga, do you usually wear Moitie everyday or do you wear 'normal' clothing?

IIIIA. It depends what I am doing. On the weekends Ill usually wear something more toned down, like a Holy Queen skirt with a cutsew and flats. If I am going out somewhere, I dress up fully in EGL or EGA. When I'm shopping, ill usually just wear my Moitie pants with Moitie platforms, cutsew, etc. Very causal.

V.Maga, have you really been to all of Moi dix Mois' concerts?

VA. Yes,  I have been to all of their concerts since the band was formed. I never miss an event or a concert. I went to all of their Europe 2007 tours too. that was actually a nice experience for me because I had never been to places like Finland. I also saw them at the Gothic Trekken too, yes. 

Today I am stopping at five questions. I hope you will all tune in for next month too!
If you have any questions, send them to