皆様、ご機嫌いかがだろうか?[How is everyone doing?]
私はというと、[I would say]
パワーを付ける為に [In order to gain power]
血の滴るステーキを食しながら[we shall eat lots of steak dripping with chi [*blood]
魔導書図像師Taquya氏と魔導会議をしてきた。[according to the rare magic book of Taquya]
手前に見える瓶ビールは、[Bottled in a visible background...]
チェコへ旅に行っていたTaquya氏のお土産チェコビールである。[Taquya had gone on a trip and brought Czech Republic beer back as a souvenir.]
深夜丑三つ時まで、魔導制作について論議が交わされたのであった。[Until witching hour tonight, the discussion of the creation of magic was held.]
ちなみに、「血の滴る」とは言っているが、それは表現イメージで、[By the way, the reference to "dripping with blood" is referred to the image. The meat had problems, so I say properly bake this... (*at first I thought it was referencing to sauce)]
ちゃんとジュウジュウ!と焼いてます。 (´。`)
次号魔導書お楽しみにしておいてほしいね。[I hope you keep looking forward to the next edition of magi...]
腐腐腐・・・[fu fu fu]
血の滴るようなレアな写真をお届けできるだろう。[If I could deliver such a rare picture of forming blood (I have no idea what this mean, referring to the picture again?]
私はというと、[I would say]
パワーを付ける為に [In order to gain power]
血の滴るステーキを食しながら[we shall eat lots of steak dripping with chi [*blood]
魔導書図像師Taquya氏と魔導会議をしてきた。[according to the rare magic book of Taquya]
手前に見える瓶ビールは、[Bottled in a visible background...]
チェコへ旅に行っていたTaquya氏のお土産チェコビールである。[Taquya had gone on a trip and brought Czech Republic beer back as a souvenir.]
深夜丑三つ時まで、魔導制作について論議が交わされたのであった。[Until witching hour tonight, the discussion of the creation of magic was held.]
ちなみに、「血の滴る」とは言っているが、それは表現イメージで、[By the way, the reference to "dripping with blood" is referred to the image. The meat had problems, so I say properly bake this... (*at first I thought it was referencing to sauce)]
ちゃんとジュウジュウ!と焼いてます。 (´。`)
次号魔導書お楽しみにしておいてほしいね。[I hope you keep looking forward to the next edition of magi...]
腐腐腐・・・[fu fu fu]
血の滴るようなレアな写真をお届けできるだろう。[If I could deliver such a rare picture of forming blood (I have no idea what this mean, referring to the picture again?]
エーゴ [English] translation may be slightly off. すみません (@ @);;
He is talking about his steak, reference to the photo.